Will The Real SuperStar Please Stand up?

Posted: October 27, 2010 in Everything Else, NBA
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Who WIll Stand as The Real SuperStar

Who Will Stand as the Real SuperStar?!?!?!

Wow!!! Was anyone else underwhelmed with the new look Miami Heat tonight in Boston?  I know they really haven’t had much time to play together because Wade has been hampered with the hamstring injury for most of the preseason but the new “Big 3”  combined for 15 of the Heat’s 17 turnovers — eight by James, six by Wade and one by Bosh. Wade was limited to 13 points on 4-of-16 shooting and Bosh added eight points and eight rebounds. The trio And Miami was outscored 16-9 in the first quarter. Really guys, you could only muster up 9 points in 15 minutes of action?  

After watching tonight’s performance, I am wondering are the Big 3 really the Big 3? Look at what Lebron did in Cleveland over the last 7 years, brought them to the NBA Finals, continuely made deep playoff runs with a teammates that may not even start on teams in the West, and also won 66 games last year.  Compare that to Bosh and Wade who also were their team’s superstar’s with subpar teammates. Bosh led his team to 1 playoff appearance and was bounced out in the first round by a lower seed. Wade was brillant early in his career and won his first title with the help of Shaq, but the real concern is his health and durability. He has missed a total 103 games in his career, 70 of those coming in the last 4 seasons.  He started this year again hurt.  While Wade may be the captain and this is “his” team the real “Superstar” of this team is Lebron.

The Real Superstar in Miami

They say the cream will always rise to the top as in the case with these three. In Lebron’s debut he only had 31 points, 4 rebounds, and 3 assists and alone brought back his new team from the brink just like he did many times in Cleveland.  You don’t have to worry about Lebron getting hurt or only being a star when there is no other stars on his team. He will only get better as we have seen his game evolve and change every year he has been in the league.

I know this is only game 1 of 82, but will the real superstar please stand up?

You have to tip your hat to the “new look” old Boston Celtics who were ready to play from the tip. Kevin Garnett looks like the KG of 3 years ago, no longer was he trying to tip in a put back but rather dunk it (he did miss but still), also Pierce looks like he slimmed down, and Ray of course will never lose that sweet touch of his, and the best player on this team is the floor general Rajon Rondo who finished the game with 17 assists.

While everyone was talking about how great these Heat are going to be this summer and fall, everyone seemed to overlook the depth that Boston now as.  Nate Robinson has now been in the system for half of season and training camp, and they bulked up down low with “The O’Neal’s” (Shaq & Jermaine) and of course Big Baby Davis has cemented himself as the “Lamar Odom” of the Celtics, and let’s not forget their young big man didn’t even play (Perkins) because he is still out rehabbing his torn ACL from last year’s finals.

If I was the Celtics and Lakers I may feel disrespected that no one is talking about me, considering the Lakers are going for their second 3-peat in this decade, and that the Celtics made it to the finals and were on the verge of winning their second title in 3 years until their meltdown in the 4th of Game 7 with a very hurt and shallow bench.I believe the Heat should look out for the Lakers and Celtics not the other way around.

  1. Erik says:

    Not bad. Enjoyed the read.

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